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Labor Stands Up for Children

Gene Lantz
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Dallas AFL-CIO is part of a coalition that defends the rights of schoolchildren.


We are asking everyone to sign our resolution defending undocumented children who have the right to defend Dallas schools without fear. It is printed below. 

Please Click Here to sign the resolution.

Dallas Independent School District – School Safe Haven Resolution 

WHEREAS, THE Dallas Independent School District Board of Education is committed to providing a quality education to all students regardless of immigration status, ethnic identity, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, socio-economics status or beliefs, and

WHEREAS, many students and their families live with the fear of being deported, reports of anti-immigrant incidents are the most commonly reported, and nearly 40% of all hateful incidents occurred in K-12 schools or universities. (Southern Poverty Law Center Report November, 2016), and

WHEREAS, the Dallas Independent School District is committed to provide a learning environment that ensures the physical safety and emotional well-being of all students, and

WHEREAS, the Dallas Independent School District is committed to creating a school environment that is welcoming to all students and their families, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Dallas Independent School District Trustees direct the Superintendent to create a Safe Haven School District for all Dallas ISD students and staff that:

  • Ensures an environment that celebrates diversity and rejects racism, bullying, intimidation, harassment and hate speech
  • Protects the confidentiality of student information and will not use that information to determine the immigration status of students and families nor will that information be shared with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
  • Does not conduct immigration enforcement on any of its campuses or District buildings and will not allow ICE onto school premises.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Superintendent will collaborate with community organizations to provide resources to families who are facing deportation, and

That the Superintendent will provide resources to students and staff who are or have been victims of hate speech, harassment, intimidation or bullying, and

That the Dallas Independent School District Board of Trustees will work with the Superintendent to ensure that Dallas ISD students receive a quality education and all schools serve as a safe haven for all students, especially those experiencing discrimination or threatened with deportation. 

Please Click Here to sign the resolution