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Heroes Caravan

Gene Lantz, Digital Organizing Committee
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On June 1, National AFL-CIO cancelled their  June 3 as a National Day of Action. North Texas had a Workers Car Caravan set for 2PM that day. Participants were asked to arrive early in order to decorate their cars. 


Other events around the country are being listed at

Call your Senator 

The AFL-CIO has also set up a free telephone call to your senators. Click on to be connected. Let them know that the $3 trillion HEROES bill passed by the House of Representatives is truly vital in this medical, economic, and political crisis!

Vote by Mail!

The HEROES Act provides ;money for states to update their democracy. Texas is in the minority of states that will not let everyone vote by mail. Dallas labor activists are continuing to post short endorsements of #votebymail on all outlets. Here are some of the most recent ones on YouTube:

Help Labor win