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Get Ready for More

Gene Lantz, President
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Labor had a well-deserved Christmas celebration on December 15. Lou Luckhardt and Jason Tomlinson headed a group of volunteers who set up decorations, food, and a mock gambling casino. Thanks to our many sponsors, labor came out "in the black" financially. Participants reported that they wanted it to go on and on!

Master organizer Lou Luckhardt


Folks had a good time at labor's christmas party

Making Predictions?

Most New Years' predictions say only that current trends will continue. So if temperatures are climbing, one might safely predict that temperatures will continue to climb in 2024. Here are some trends from recent news reports to help with your predictions:

  • The number of U.S. labor strikes increased to nearly 400 in 2023
  • Inflation is decreasing and real wages are rising
  • Americans are getting heavier and slightly shorter
  • Satisfaction with health care is decreasing
  • President Biden and other leaders of the Western World are getting lower approval ratings
  • American presidents have been seeing their approval ratings drop since the Eisenhower era
  • Young Americans increasingly disapprove of the handling of the war in the Middle East
  • The stock market has risen to an all time high
  • Homelessness has risen to an all time high
  • Texans are now working longer hours than workers in other states

We Make Our Own Future

A great deal of our future prospects depends on getting organized and winning elections in 2024. Your Dallas AFL-CIO's Political Committee has already been meeting for several weeks. We will have screened candidates and chosen our state candidates before the Texas AFL-CIO political conference January 28-29. Our Jason Tomlinson has already sent confidential questionnaires to those candidates. They have until December 31 to fill them out and return them to or

To compete for labor's endorsement, candidates will physically face panels of affiliated union members. Our first screening is set for January 6. Contact Jason Tomlinson or Lou Luckhardt for more information.

Please Join our Solidarity Brigade

We update the action calendar on our web page as new events are set. You can combine labor’s Google calendar into yours. For text reminders of immediate actions, text the word “action” to the phone number 235246.

Please Join our Solidarity Brigade


Dec 23, 9A: Rosie Curts of YALL and Gene Lantz of TARA will give "Young and Old" perspectives for 2024 on and 89.3FM radio

Dec 31: Deadline for state candidates to return their questionnaires to the Dallas AFL-CIO

Jan 1: Eat Black-eyed peas for good luck. Tamales, too

Jan 2: Retirees and disabled may begin applying for annual vote-by-mail status

Jan 6: Dallas labor begins screening candidates

Jan 10, 12:30P: Dallas Chapter of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans meets at 334 Centre. Contact Judy 214-729-0063

Jan 15: Martin Luther King march and parade in Dallas

Jan 17: Key decision on the Albertson-Kroger merger opposed by unions

Jan 18, 7:30P: Dallas Central Labor Council for all affiliated members at 1408 N Washington

Jan 19: New partial government shutdown crisis probable

Jan 27,  noon: Texas Alliance for Retired Americans convention at Doubletree Hotel in Austin

Jan 28-29: Texas AFL-CIO political conference at Doubletree Hotel in Austin

Jan 31: Deadline for Texas AFL-CIO college scholarship applications