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Fightback with Working Families!

Gene Lantz, Digital Organizing Committee
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The U.S. Senate has delayed crisis relief for another week. The Dallas newspaper headline on July 24 predicted a "tsunami of evictions" as enhanced unemployment benefits expire for more than 34 million American families!

Labor is leading the fightback. On the weekly call for union communicators, AFL-CIO leader Tim Schlittner said that 21,000 telephone calls were made to Senators on July 22 using the federation's toll-free number. Various union affiliates used their own numbers and generated another 27,000 calls. Over 15,000 emails and over 100,000 text messages were sent. We demanded that senators pass the HEROES Act, HR6800, which cleared the U.S. House in May.

Labor is planning more National Action Days to fight off the crises for working families. AFL-CIO Western Region Field Director Fernando Losada, also on the labor communicators' call, considered July 22 a "kickoff" for more action. He said  the kickoff was “tremendously successful.” Plans call for broad national coverage in all 50 states with 206 events already registered in 41 states.

Individual unions are also working hard on their own plans. Blaine Rummel-Polling from AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees) reported that they are partnering with the AFT (American Federation of Teachers) in trying to save states, cities, schools, and towns from bankruptcy. Polls indicate considerable labor success in winning American hearts and minds to labor's program, he reported. Tim Schlittner summarized: “You guys are really moving the needle.”

As of July 24, the AFL-CIO toll-free number, 1-866-832-1560 continues to work for calling senators.

National Strike Day Succeeds

The historic union call for a national strike day was embraced by many Americans. The Service Employees (SEIU) reported that tens of thousands in 160 cities participated on July 20's Strike For Black Lives. Four major unions were among the original sponsors, but they were joined by the Communications Workers (CWA) and others on strike day. The Dallas Newspaper ran the wire service article but overlooked the local action that was held that evening in Belo Garden Park downtown and CWA 6215's special message that was driven to key locations around the city.



More Actions Coming Up

Jul 25, 6:30P: College of Complexes presents Gene Lantz on “What happened? What Will Happen? Where to Hide?”  on Facebookcontact

Jul 27 (and every Monday), 5PM: “Live at 5” with Texas AFL-CIO on Facebook

Aug 5, 12:30P: Dallas Chapter of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans meets online. Contact President Kenneth Williams

Aug 7, 6p: KNON's "Workers Beat" fund raiser, "Bonnie and Gene Go To Extremes" on Facebook

Aug 22: National day of action with United Electrical Workers for Medicare for All

November 3 - Election Day