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Dallas Labor News January 19, 2017

Gene Lantz
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The leaflet says "women," but we want everybody!

Endorsers include the Dallas AFL-CIO, the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund, Texas Organizing Project, and most of the progressive organizations in North Texas. The march occurs the day after Donald J Trump is inaugurated President of the United States. The need for organizing in action has never been greater!

Dallas Central Labor Council Meets Tonight

All members of Dallas affiliated unions are welcome on January 19 at 7:30 PM for the AFL-
CIO Central Labor Council. The Council has become the very center of planning for progressive activities in Dallas County. 

Labor Supports Civil Rights, Civil Rights Supports Labor


The Dallas AFL-CIO assembled the largest labor contingent ever for the January 16 Dallas Martin Luther King Jr birthday march and parade. UAW member Gerardo Contreras provided a beautiful float that was loaded with older supporters. Many others marched. The Alliance/American Federation of Teachers, led by President Rena Honea, had the largest group, but many of our unions and union supporters were there. One of the marchers with labor's contingent was City Councilman Philip Kingston.

One short video is available at

AFL-CIO leader Mark York makes it a point to get growing participation every year.

labor Stands For All Workers, and For Their Children!

[caption caption="Alliance/AFT President Rena Honea and a host of dignitaries called for \"Education, not Deportation!\""]

While television cameras churned, Alliance/AFT President Rena Honea and prominent dignataries, including school board member Jaime Resendez, declared "Safe Haven" for Dallas school children, whether they have citizenship papers or not. Mark York of the Dallas AFL-CIO and representatives from the national organization were proud to take part.

Union people and community activists chanted enthusiastically together. The pro-student organization, "Our Communities, Our Schools" is sponsoring a Safe Haven resolution calling for Dallas Independent 
School District to create a Safe Haven School District ensuring an environment that "celebrates diversity and rejects racism, bullying, intimidation, harassment and hate speech." It calls for protecting the confidentiality of student information so that it cannot be used to determine immigration status of students and families.

A short video is available at

Labor's enemies are hoping to divide us on immigration issues, but labor intends to maintain our basic all-worker solidarity: "An injury to one is an injury to all!"

More Actions Coming Up

Jan 19, 7:30P: Dallas Central Labor Council meeting for affiliated members. 1408 N Washington. 214-826-4808.

Jan 19, 7P: “Counter-Inaugural Ball” drumming, dancing & drinking at 201 SD Calhoun in Ft Worth. Call 817-395-3177.

Jan 20: Inauguration day in Washington DC

Jan 21, 10A: Victoria Neave marchfrom City Hall to 1408 N Washington for “Women’s Rally and Mega Phone Bank." Everybody, every gender, encouraged to come

Jan 21, noon: Women's March at noon starts at the old Tarrant County Courthouse.  

Jan 21, 3-6P: 2017 Hispanic Ancestry Tribute honors Pancho Medrano. Latino Cultural Center, 2600 Live Oak, 75204. Program 3 - 4 P, Reception 4 - 6P

Jan 21, 6:30: "A United Movement to Confront Government Action" Gene Lantz, President of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund, leads discussion at Romo’s Pizza, 7402 Greenville Ave Dallas 75231

Jan 23: National Medicare Call-In Day. The number is (866) 828-4162

Jan 24, ?: January 24th, MoveOn members will join the Working Families Party and other allies to rally outside Senate district offices to demand opposition to Trump’s Corporate Cabinet. Contact

Jan 28, 10A: “Advocating for Justice” with Jan Sanders at 11211 Preston Rd, Northaven UMC. Costs $10.

Jan 28, 10:30A-Noon: DACA Summer & Immigration Town Hall meeting with Congressman Marc Veasey. 711 W Canty, 75208 817-920-9086