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Dallas Labor Asks, "Are You Ready for Action?"

Gene Lantz, Digital Organizing Committee
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The national AFL-CIO recently announced that 2018 saw more labor mobilizations than any year in recent history. January of this year shows that even more future action is likely. The Government Employees have alerted us to expect more local protests on February 15 if President Trump carries out his threat to create another shutdown.

Join the Dallas AFL-CIO on the front lines! Make sure you have “liked” our Facebook Page to watch for developments. Up-to-the-minute reminders come by text to those who have texted “@laborrel” to the number 81010. 

Register Voters Now

If you are serious about winning elections, don’t wait to get started. The Dallas AFL-CIO is co-sponsoring voter deputy registrar training from 5 to 7 PM on February 7 at 1408 N Washington.


Anybody can hand out voter registration cards or download one from the Texas Secretary of State, but certified deputy voter registrars can make sure people really register by doing all the paperwork on the spot and turning cards in to the county election department that same day. Certification is especially useful when registering voters directly at mass meetings, in public places, or in one’s own neighborhood.

Recent news articles have highlighted Texas Republican’s efforts at voter suppression. Texas AFL-CIO Communications Director Ed Sills has reported that the State of Texas published a list of tens of thousands of allegedly potential perpetrators of illegal voting. But the Texas Tribune reports the Secretary of State is now quietly telling counties that many voters on the list don't fit even the ridiculous parameters put forward by the state itself. "Their action has nothing to do with well-vetted fact-finding and everything to do with voter suppression," says Sills.

To make sure that your own registration is in order, click on sponsors of the voter registration training include Alliance/AFT, UFCW 1000, and CWA Local 6215. The CWA local hosts the event in their building.

“Workers Beat” Asks for Help

KNON community radio asks for community support during their fund drive every quarter. Beginning February 2, Bonnie Mathias and Gene Lantz will be pushing for donations on and 89.3 FM every Saturday from 9 to 10 AM. On February 9 at 8 AM, they plan to host a free coffee klatch for supporters at the studio, 11311 N Central Expressway. Participants may want to stay past 9 AM to give testimonials on behalf of the only pro-worker media in North Texas.


During the drive, the radio hosts ask people to call 972-647-1893 to make their statements and pledges. Actual donations must be marked “Workers Beat” and sent to KNON, 11311 N Central Expressway#105, Suite 105 Dallas Tx  75243

More Actions Coming Up

Feb 1: February is Black History Month

Feb 1, 6P: Begin the weekend summit meeting of Young Active Labor Leaders (YALL) at the OMNI Austin Hotel at Southpark, 4140 Governors Row, Austin

Feb 4, 9AM-4PM: North Texas Climate Change Symposium with Dallas Peace and Justice Center 9125 Diceman Dr

Feb 5, 7P: North Texas Transit Rider’s meeting at  2815 S Ervan, Dallas 75215

Feb 5: Strike scheduled in France against the high cost of living, for real increases in wages, to defend Social Security, against the anti-workers' laws and the increasing state repression.  Labor Today

Feb 7, 5-7P: Deputy Voter Registrar training and certification at 1408 N Washington

Feb 9, 8A: Coffee klatch for supporters of KNON's "Workers Beat" radio program at 11311 N Central Expressway

Feb 15: Filing deadline for local candidates

Feb 15, 7P: “Fighting Racial Injustice” at Holy Cross Catholic Church 5004 Bonnie View Rd, Dallas, TX 75241-1603. 

Feb 21, 7:30P: Dallas AFL-CIO Central Labor Council meeting for all affiliated members at 1408 N Washington

Mar 11, 6A: Buses leave 334 Centre Street for Texas AFT Lobby Day